Friday, August 30, 2013

Friday 8/30


Global Studies
1.  Geography Vocabulary/HEI Practice!!
2.  Keep taking notes on your country

Political Science
1. Terms today!!
2. Practice Terms
3. Possible discuss Purposes of Government

Regional Studies
1.  Keep working on Treaty of Versaille Document
2.  Fill out synthesis Journals and look at document 3
3.  HW...look at document 4 and fill out last part of synthesis journal

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Thursday 8/29/13

Almost the weekend.....

Global Studies
1.  Geography Vocabulary
2.  Keep taking notes on your country

Political Science
1. Discuss blog posts
2. Activity with acronmys
3. Possible discuss Purposes of Government
4.  Bring books tomorrow!!

Regional Studies
1.  Look at thesis statements
2.  Rewatch one video
3.  Start looking at the Treaty of Versailles

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Wednesday 8/28/13


Global Studies
1.  Map Quiz
2.  Start Working on Project
3.  No Homework

Political Science
1. Keep working on your government Acronmyms
2. You must post the doc link by the end of the day in the group document
3. No Homework

Regional Studies
1.  Inrto Unit Two
2.  Start working on the synthesis journal in unit will be watching videos while I check out your thesis statements.
3.  No Homework

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Tuesday 8/27/13

Open House..

Global Studies
1.  Pick countries!!
2.  Look at websites to use for project!!

Political Science
1. Look over Seinfeld Observations
2. Start Government class
3. Blog Post due Wednesday

Regional Studies
1.  Talk about Project Grades
2.  Thesis or Feces
3.  First Thesis due Wednesday

Monday, August 26, 2013

8/26/13 Monday

Open House This Tuesday...

Global Studies
1.  Review Picture Notes and Five Themes
2.  Introduce Project

Political Science
1. Communism Quiz
2. Talk about Blogs and work on them

Regional Studies
1.  Review Websites
2.  Talk about thesis development
3.  Thesis due on Wednesday

Friday, August 23, 2013

Friday 8/23


Global Studies
2.  Look at Blogs again
3.  Introduce Project
4.  Finish your picture notes for Monday.  Two on each theme!!

Political Science
1. Voicethread discussion
2. Political Cartoons Review
3. Set up Blogs and work on first one
4. Review Communism for Monday Quiz!!

Regional Studies
1.  Submit Project links
2.  Talk about website analysis homework
3.  Look at some UN and EU evidence
4.  Due analysis and review

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Thursday 8/22


Global Studies
1.  Set up Five Themes Notes
2.  Work on studying the 5 Themes and taking notes.  You can find everything in openclass.
3.  Homework is attach a picture for each theme to your notes.  Due Monday.

Political Science
1. Cartoon Analysis Practice
2. Analyze 3 Random Cartoons with a partner.
3. 5 comments due Friday!!

Regional Studies
1.  Submit Project links
2.  Answer any questions
3.  Talk about first test set up
4.  Project due Friday!!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Wednesday 8/21/13

Are you even checking this???

Global Studies
1.  Socrative
2.  Look at Blogs!!
3.  For longer class...start to look for a new current event.

Political Science
1. Socrative
2. Start looking at everyone's presentations and learn about new people!!  Make comments
3. 5 comments due Friday

Regional Studies
1.  Work on Project!!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Tuesday 8/20

Ninja Warrior was awesome watch?

Global Studies
1.  Create your first blog post!!!
2.  Possibly start talking about the 5 Themes of Geography
3.  No Homework

Political Science
1. Work on Voicethread...Due Wednesday

Regional Studies
1.  Get groups set and start working on Travel Website Project...Due will get two more days to work on in class.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Monday 8/19

Happy Monday!!  Full Week of School

Global Studies
1.  Review Some Places you Should Know Map
2.  Set up Blogs and Talk about Current Events
3.  Work on our first blog post together.
4.  No Homework

Political Science
1. Work on Voicethread...Due Wednesday

Regional Studies
1. View travel websites
2.  Get groups set and start working on Travel Website Project...Due will get two days to work on in class.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Friday 8/15


Global Studies
1.  Work with socrative
2.  Look at our maps!!
3.  Check out "Some Places You should Know" (OpenClass)
4.  Set up our Blogs in Blogger
5.  Finish any homework you had!!

Political Science
1.  Get into Voicethread
2.  Talk about project
3.  Assign Topics
4.  No Homework

Regional Studies
1.  Work with the 5 Themes as a class
2.  Work on 5 Themes with a partner
3.  Talk about EE project
4.  No Homework

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Thursday 8/15/13

Fulllllll Dayyyyyyyyyy

Global Studies
1.  Map Game
2.  Video
3.  Languages spoken in the United States
4.  Create a Google Doc..insert an image of a world map..describe why it is a quality map...(Due Friday)
5.  Map Google Doc/Classroom Questions and Answers Quiz/Discussion Response due Friday

Political Science
1.  Do you have your book?
2.  What defines an Honor Student
3.  Talk about Vocabulary Work
4.  Introduce current events project and possibly get signed in...
5.  Response and Quiz due Friday

Regional Studies
1.  Socrative
2.  Intro Europe
3.  Five Themes Brainstorm activity and review
4.  Intro first project

5.  Response and Quiz due Friday

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Wednesday 8/14/13

Another Quick Day...In-service...make the day a good one!!

Global Studies
1.  Review Do's and Do Not's
2.  Talk about homework from Tuesday (You must respond to my question to get full grade Friday)
3.  Classroom Questions and Answers Quiz...set up drive documents...(Will be in gradebook on Friday)
4.  No Homework

Political Science
1.  Review Do's and Do Not's
2.  Talk about homework from Tuesday (You must respond to my question to get full grade Friday)
3.  Classroom Questions and Answers Quiz...set up drive documents...(Will be in gradebook on Friday)
4.  Create a document...label it What Makes and Honor Student.  Tell me in a 4 sentence summary what makes an honors student. (Due Thursday)

Regional Studies
1.  Review Do's and Do Not's
2.  Talk about homework from Tuesday (You must respond to my question to get full grade Friday)
3.  Classroom Questions and Answers Quiz...set up drive documents...(Will be in gradebook on Friday)
4.  Europe Map Quiz if we have time....
5.  Try and get 100 on Map have until Friday

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Tuesday 8/13/13

Welcome Back!!!

Today is going to be a crazy day of making sure everyone has their materials and can get into Open Class.  You will be going to this blog to see what we are doing everyday!!

Global Studies
1.  Get seats set up
2.  Make sure everyone is in OpenClass
3.  Look at Syllabus and Grading Scale
4.  Check out What We are Doing Today
5.  Class discussion in OpenClass.  Homework if you do not finish!! Find the link..."Get TO KNOW YOU!!" Due Wednesday!!  Link is at the bottom of Openclass links.

Political Science
1.  Get seats set up
2.  Make sure everyone is in OpenClass
3.  Look at Syllabus and Grading Scale
4.  What makes an Honor Student?
5.  Check out What We are Doing Today
6.  Class discussion in OpenClass.  Homework if you do not finish!! Find the link..."Get TO KNOW YOU!!" Due Wednesday!!  Link is at the bottom of Openclass links.

Regional Studies
1.  Get seats set up
2.  Make sure everyone is in OpenClass
3.  Look at Syllabus and Grading Scale
4.  Check out What We are Doing Today
5.  Class discussion in OpenClass.  Homework if you do not finish!! Find the link..."Get TO KNOW YOU!!" Due Wednesday!!  Link is at the bottom of Openclass links.