Welcome Back!!
Global Studies
1. Set up Seats
2. Make a copy of Mr. Lange's Blog
3. Make sure everyone can get into openclass
4. Classroom Do's and Do Nots
5. Look at grading scale
6. Look into Home Access Center
Political Science
1. We will set up seats in a day or two
2. Make sure everyone has access to Mr. Lange's Blog
3. Make sure everyone can get into openclass
4. Look at new procedures..only one really
5. Look at grading scale and see if everyone can get into Home Access Center
6. New Laws for 2014 http://www.slideshare.net/ilsendems/top-14-new-illinois-laws-for-2014-29124109
HW Due Monday..Find one article that you would like to blog about...Just find the article..something that has to do with political science..Do not blog!!
Regional Studies
1. Set up Seats
2. Make a copy of Mr. Lange's Blog
3. Make sure everyone can get into openclass
4. Classroom Do's and Do Nots
5. Look at grading scale
6. Look into Home Access Center
7. If we have time look into procedures packet quiz and map quiz..
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